Anjalai is doing well and is employed.

Anjalai is recovering – Another success for Interlock Interlock has managed to gather the necessary funding for Anjalai’s operation, which took place at the end of October at the plastic surgery department of a leading Hospital of Chennai, India. The tumour has been successfully removed, the images in the photo gallery show her face still swollen as a consequence of the operation but it will back to normal very soon. Anjalai can already eat and breath properly again and her right eye sight will improve with time. The doctors explained that had she not have the operation, she would have lost her right eye sight completely so Interlock came just at the right moment. Interlock has arranged for Anjalai to have employment and is covering her travel and expenses to the hospital for post-operation treatments. Anjalai is on the road to a total recovery and to begin a new life.

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